What's up. Exciting topics in research and health.

Corona Testing for International Travel

Corona Testing for International Travel

Are you traveling abroad, to Spain, UK, USA, Dubai, Brazil, Chile, or other destinations, and need a corona test, please book a fit to fly test at ...

Corona confusion and cold season

Koronaforvirring og forkjølelsessesong

Koronaforvirring og forkjølelsessesong fører til enorme telefonkøer til Stavanger legevakt melder Stavanger Aftenblad. Du kan ta en koronatest hos...

Updated information on free testing

Updated information on free testing

Gratis testing til koronasertifikat for private virksomheter ? ordningen opphører ifølge Helfo. Gratis testing til koronasertifikat ved...



NordicDx offers corona tests for individuals and companies; RT-PCR test from NOK 980 and antigen test from NOK 450, both including Fit-to-fly certificate ....
