NordicDx is a Norwegian innovative company which supplies biotechnological services across the Nordic region with focus on "one health".
Was established in 2020 in the aftermath of the corona pandemic. NordicDx is a Norwegian innovative company that supplies biotechnology services throughout the Nordics with a focus on "one health"
NordicDx will contribute to society with the development of simplified methods for testing and diagnostics. This will be done by integrating traditional scientific methods and new technology, both self-developed and existing.
We will develop and deliver complete intuitive methods that can be easily integrated into existing systems in all segments based on "One Health".
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NordicDx Lanserer Fremtidsrettede LFA Tester for Husdyrhold og Akvakultur med Avansert Teknologi
I en verden hvor dyrehelse og folkehelse er nært knyttet sammen, har behovet for enkle og nøyaktige teknologiske løsninger for sykdomspåvisning...
NordicDx Laboratorieleder Elisabeth Lassa i Aksjon: Onboarding av Ny CRP Test på iaX-Leseren
NordicDx's dyktige laboratorieleder, Elisabeth Lassa, er alltid i forkant av den pågående kampen mot infeksjoner. I dag leder hun en viktig fase i...
Vårt Indiske «søsterselskap» ruller ut iaX i stort format, dette er fremtiden innen hurtig testing, screening og diagnose.
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