Do you have any vitamin deficiency, such as vitamin D or B12? Is this genetically determined or lifestyle-related, and can anything be done about it?
NordicDx offers two products to help you understand how your genes affect vitamin B12 and vitamin D metabolism in your body. Our VIBE and DEVI tests are designed to assess your risk of vitamin B12 and vitamin D deficiency.
There are two reasons for a deficiency in these vitamins: either you are not getting enough through your diet, or your body is having trouble absorbing them. You can test for the latter using our VIBE and DEVI tests.
Vitamin B12 is not produced by the body and must be obtained through the diet, mainly from meat, fish, seafood, eggs, and dairy products. The vitamin is crucial for normal bodily functions, especially the brain and nervous system. A challenge is that these symptoms are vague and overlap with other diagnoses. Deficiency of the vitamin can have serious health consequences, and symptoms include fatigue, depression, and memory impairment. Four main groups are at risk for developing a deficiency: vegans, pregnant women, infants, and the elderly. According to NNR (Nordic Nutrition Recommendations), even small deviations from the recommended amount of vitamin B12 can be harmful to health.
Vitamin D3 is produced in human skin as a result of UVB radiation (sun, UV lamps). It is the primary source of this vitamin and accounts for about 80% of the need. The rest is supplemented with natural food products. Most Europeans show inadequate intake of vitamin D, which in the absence of sufficient exposure to UVB radiation can pose a high risk of vitamin D deficiency and its health consequences. In Central and Northern Europe, from October to March, the radiation wavelength is too low, and there are too few hours of sunshine per day for the body to produce enough vitamin D. Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency can be diffuse and include bone pain, muscle pain, rapid fatigue, insomnia, diarrhea, periodontal disease, appetite problems, and hypertension. NordiDx will soon offer these tests in our online store.