What's up. Exciting topics in research and health.

NordicDx at ONS 2022

NordicDx at ONS 2022

Where you will find us during ONS 2022 Our day-to-day test station is outside the main entrance of Måltidets hus (Richard Johnsens gate 4). However,...

NordicDx tester på ONS 2022

NordicDx tests at ONS 2022

ONS 2022 Every other year, ONS welcomes thousands of exhibitors, delegates and people with an interest in the energy industry to Stavanger. From 29...

Viking tests at NordicDx

Viking tests at NordicDx

Vellykket selvtest med Viking fotballklubb Viking fotballklubb velger også denne gangen å benytte NordicDx sin COVID 19 RT-PCR selvtest ifm. reise...

We will reduce our prices from 17 January

We will reduce our prices from 17 January

NordicDx har grunnet stor etterspørsel etter PCR-testing valgt å ikke lenger tilby markedet Antigen testing ved våre teststasjoner fra mandag 17....

SAVD + an important innovation

SAVD + an important innovation

NordicDx introduserer Geneme?s SAVD + RT-PCR nye multigen COVID-19 test til det skandinaviske markedet. Denne testen er en videreutvikling av SAVD,...
